The Bupleurum (Apiaceae) feeding species of Trifurcula (Glaucolepis): new species, biology and distribution (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2013
Authors:Z. Laštůvka, Laštůvka, A., van Nieukerken, E. J.
Journal:Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Date Published:2013-12-20
Keywords:Algeria, Bupleurum, France, glaucolepis, New species, Portugal, Sicily, Spain, Trifurcula, Trifurcula bupleurella, Trifurcula chretieni, Trifurcula megaphallus, Trifurcula sanctibenedicti, Trifurcula siciliae

The Bupleurum feeding species of Trifurcula (Glaucolepis) Braun, 1917 are revised. Five species are recognised: T. bupleurella (Chrétien, 1907), T. sanctibenedicti Klimesch, 1979, T. megaphallus van Nieukerken, Z. Laštuvka & A. Laštuvka sp. n. feeding on Bupleurum gibraltarium in southern Spain, T. chretieni Z. Laštuvka, A. Laštuvka & van Nieukerken sp. n. feeding on Bupleurum rigidum in southern France, Spain and Portugal, and T. siciliae Z. Laštuvka, A. Laštuvka & van Nieukerken sp. n. feeding on B. fruticosum in Sicily. The group is restricted to southwestern Europe and northern Africa, the area where most shrubby Bupleurum species occur. A NJ and Bayesian analysis of DNA barcodes of four out of five species suggest a single origin of Bupleurum feeding in the subgenus Glaucolepis.

Short Title:Tijdschr. Ent.
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