Stigmella divina sp. n., a remarkable species from Turkmenistan and Turkey (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1997
Authors:R. Puplesis, Diškus, A., van Nieukerken, E. J.
Journal:Tijdschrift voor Entomologie
Date Published:1997-10-31
Keywords:Kopet-Dag, Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae, New species, Stigmella divina, Turkey, Turkmenistan

Stigmella divina sp. n. is described froin the Kopet Dag mountains in Turhnenistan and Central Anatolia (Turkey). The species cannot be placed in any known species group, because of its remarkable genitalia. The male possesses a unique androconial patch on the forewing underside

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