Trifurcula pallidella (Duponchel, 1843) (Nepticulidae): distribution, biology and immature stages, particularly in Poland

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:E. J. van Nieukerken, Mazurkiewicz, A., Pałka, K.
Journal:Nota Lepidopterologica
Date Published:2004-12-30
Keywords:Braconidae, Calicotome, Chamaecytisus, Corsica, Crete, Cytisus, Czechia, distribution maps, Fabaceae, Genisteae, Germany, Greece, Host-plants, Italy, larval morphology, Lembotropis, Lepidoptera, Mirax, Nepticulidae, Poland, pupal morphology, Slovakia, Switzerland, Trifurcula pallidella

Abstract. Trifurcula pallidella (Duponchel, 1843) is recorded for the first time from 30 localities insouth-eastern Poland. The biology is described and illustrated in detail for the first time: the larva makesspindle shaped galls in stems of Chamaecytisus spp., Lembotropis nigricans, and Cytisus procumbens. InPoland it is usually found on dry grassland or edges of woodland on calcareous soils. The larva, pupa andgalls are described and illustrated. The distribution is revised and mapped on the basis of material andliterature: its occurrence in Germany: Bavaria, Italy mainland and Sicily is confirmed, and new recordsare given for Corsica and Crete. It is widespread from Southeast Poland southwards throughout theBalkans and eastwards to the Volga, in the West to Regensburg in Germany, southern Switzerland,western Italy and Corsica. It is believed to use a different host in Mediterranean localities, possiblyCalicotome. All known hosts and Calicotome belong to the monophyletic Cytisus group of recentmolecular studies.

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