Additions to the Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of East Asia, with descriptions of three new species from Primorskiy Kray

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2014
Authors:J. R. Stonis, Rociene A.
Date Published:2014-08-01
ISBN Number:1175-5334
Keywords:East Asia, Ectoedemia, Ectoedemia paraortiva, Ectoedemia philipi, Nepticulidae, New species, Primorskiy Kray, Stigmella, Stigmella gimmonella, Stigmella multispicata, Stigmella sexcornuta, Stigmella thuringiaca, Stigmella tranocrossa; Russia

Stigmella multispicata Rocienė & Stonis, sp. nov., S. sexcornuta Rocienė & Stonis, sp. nov., and Ectoedemia paraortiva Rocienė & Stonis, sp. nov. are described from Primorskiy Kray (Russian Far East). The new species are illustrated with photographs and drawings of the adults and genitalia. Stigmella thuringiaca (Petry), a species previously known only from West Palaearctic, is here newly recorded in East Asia. The male genitalia of the little known Stigmella gimmonella (Matsumura) are illustrated for the first time with photographs; the male genital morphology of two other species, S . tranocrossa Kemperman & Wilkinson and Ectoedemia philipi Puplesis, is updated and newly documented. A chart of chorological composition of the Nepticulidae currently known in East Asia is provided.  

Short Title:Additions to the Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of East Asia, with descriptions of three new species from Primorskiy Kray
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