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Stigmella kristenseni Diškus & Stonis in Stonis et al., 2016
Unranked: Core StigmellaUnranked: Stigmella epicosma group
Stigmella kristenseni Diškus & Stonis in Stonis et al., 2016
Type information:
Holotype: ♂, PERU, Dept. Lima, 45 km NE Chosica, Millo Valley, Quabrada Yanac, 11°36'30"S, 76°24'18"W, elevation ca. 4000 m, 26–28.i.1987, O. Karsholt, genitalia slide no. AD670♂ (ZMUC).
type genitalia preparation:
Type depository:
Zoological Museum, Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen (ZMUC)
The species is named after Professor DSc. Niels Peder Kristensen (1943–2014), one of the greatest insect taxonomists and morphologists of his time, particularly of primitive Lepidoptera, and an inspiring teacher and outstanding supervisor, the editor-in-chief of the two Lepidoptera volumes of “Handbook of Zoology”, former director of Zoologisk Museum of Københavns Universitet, and honary member of a number of academic societies (for his honors and awards see Simonsen et al. 2015). The authors of the present paper are deeply indebted to Niels Peder Kristensen for the initial stimulus for the Neotropical Nepticulidae project, and his generous support during its course and the loan of Neotropical Nepticulidae material belonging to the ZMUC.